Thursday, November 1, 2007

Separate and unequal

One of the most critical values my husband and I try to teach our three teenagers is the importance and joy of marriage.
After my desire for my children to be at peace and have a personal relationship with their Creator, my second greatest desire is that they would one day be happily married and raise children of their own.
Why? Because I know the joy of this great blessing, and because I've seen the pain and heartache of divorce, out-of-wedlock births and single parenting. Yet our modern culture refuses to spread the truth because it is politically incorrect.
But the truth is clear: God's design is for children to be born of and raised by two married parents. Sadly, we know that many people cannot help the fact that they're raising their children alone. But many others actually make the choice to raise children by themselves – and the children are the ones who suffer.

Read the entire article at