Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anyone Else Believe in Miracles?

Mooster at 6 months old. Was there life before this beauty?

There's a Reason They're So Cute

The evening we planned to celebrate Daddy's birthday with cake, Heimer picked over her dinner plate as if she suspected it had been poisoned.

Mommy: You have to eat your supper if you want to eat birthday cake when Daddy gets home.

Heimer: (staring at her full plate)

Mommy: Are you all done? You won't get any birthday cake.

Heimer: Me done.

Daddy walked in the front door and we shouted, "Happy Birthday!" I lit the candles and began the song. Heimer, now sitting in Daddy's lap, sang in her sweetest baby-girl voice:

"Berf - day - Da - dee - Berf - day - Da - dee..."

Franklepea: (upon song's end) Heimer doesn't get any cake; she didn't eat her dinner.

Mommy: That's right. I told her she had to eat supper to get cake.

Daddy: I'll decide who gets cake. She can have cake.

(How naive to think I could compete with the disarming power of a two-year-old, red-haired, heart-melting songstress. I should have known.)

Now We Know

I had often wondered what was going on in Heimer's head. Now, after losing her binkies in a battle royale with Daddy, the plug that impeded the flow of words is gone. And so is any hope I had that her tongue would be easier to tame than Franklepea's (or mine, for that matter).

Heimer (hitting Franklepea): You go 'way!

Mommy: Kate, no hitting! You can NOT hurt your brother.

Heimer: No, mommy! You bad girl!

Mommy: *gasp* (deer in headlights)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Separate and unequal

One of the most critical values my husband and I try to teach our three teenagers is the importance and joy of marriage.
After my desire for my children to be at peace and have a personal relationship with their Creator, my second greatest desire is that they would one day be happily married and raise children of their own.
Why? Because I know the joy of this great blessing, and because I've seen the pain and heartache of divorce, out-of-wedlock births and single parenting. Yet our modern culture refuses to spread the truth because it is politically incorrect.
But the truth is clear: God's design is for children to be born of and raised by two married parents. Sadly, we know that many people cannot help the fact that they're raising their children alone. But many others actually make the choice to raise children by themselves – and the children are the ones who suffer.

Read the entire article at

Church-going In-tact Families Raise Good Kids

Even if you don't know the 'why' behind these statistics, it is clear that children raised by married, biological parents who attend church often turn out best...

If you care about your kids, stay married and go to church. They will be less likely to do drugs, run away, be promiscuous, steal, and will have higher grades. View the entire article at

Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age

In the 1960s, Americans began a radical, historically unique experiment. Marriage and childbearing were really two separate life phenomena. Marriage was about adult happiness. People started saying, "Don't stay together for the sake of kids.” Meanwhile, the question occurred to many: Why do you need to be married when you have children?

Read the entire article at