Saturday, March 7, 2009

A "Kate" Moment

Kate (holding up an animal cracker): "Mommy, do you know what animal this is?"

Mommy: "Let me see... it looks like a goat."

Kate: "No! It's a fratanian."

Mommy: ????????????

(FYI -- I still don't know what a fratanian is.)

See? No fratanians.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cortez's 3rd Birthday

Newest Kid Pics

Madeline Jane (2/09)

Noah mans a gun at the Battleship Texas (winter '08)

Madeline, Noah, and Kate at Grandma's house, getting ready to head off to church (2/09)

A brief moment of sibling sweetness (2/09)

Kate, MJ, and Noah (12/09) -- all dressed up and nowhere to go

Another Milestone

Noah's first adult tooth came in without pushing out the baby tooth in its place, so the dentist "helped" the first two baby teeth come out to make room for the adult teeth. Here are the before and after pictures: